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How to Maintain Vitamin D Levels

How to Maintain Vitamin D Levels

How to Maintain Vitamin D Levels Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is vital to maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and teeth. The human body is capable of making vitamin D naturally; however, most individuals receive the necessary amounts of the vitamin through...

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Amazing Health Tech That Can Change Your Life

Amazing Health Tech That Can Change Your Life

Amazing Health Tech That Can Change Your Life The digital health revolution is democratizing the way Americans interact with healthcare. Tracking and monitoring your health using mobile apps and wearable devices has never been easier, and each day developers are...

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5 Easy Craft Projects to Ease Stress

5 Easy Craft Projects to Ease Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of health problems like migraines, heart failure, fatigue, and memory loss. To prevent these conditions from worsening, the U.S. National Library of Medicine suggests learning to recognize and healthily manage stress. To help manage...

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Vegan Diet Facts vs. Myths

Vegan Diet Facts vs. Myths

While vegan and plant-based diets have been growing in popularity in recent years, only about three percent of Americans follow a vegan diet. Plant-based diets cover a broad spectrum. Vegetarianism generally refers to a diet free of fish and meat, but some vegetarians...

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Do Teeth Whitening Strips Actually Work?

Do Teeth Whitening Strips Actually Work?

There are many ways to whiten the color of a person’s teeth, from professional grade to over-the-counter varieties. Out of all these methods, whitening strips are the easiest to use. They can show visible results in as early as a few days, while the effects can last...

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